Gareth Landy

Gareth Landy

Gareth Landy is a professional speaker with expertise and lived experience of XXY. In 2017, when Gareth and his wife Anna were trying to have a family, they learned that he was born with an extra X chromosome. Whereas women are XX, men are XY, Gareth is XXY. This condition is also known as Klinefelter Syndrome. Though it is a spectrum there are associated traits one of which is infertility. Following a dreadful experience with a medical professional in Ireland they went to London for a second opinion and met a very experienced urologist called Jonathan Ramsay.

Over the next year, Gareth had two operations on his testicles as it was hoped that sperm could be retrieved. Following the failure of the second procedure, Anna and Gareth switched to using donor sperm and did three rounds of IVF. In November 2019, their twins were born in the Coombe Hospital, Dublin.

In the last two to three years, Gareth has conducted around 40 interviews talking about his experience of what he went through. In 2023 he did a TED Talk and in May 2024 he ran his fifth marathon to raise awareness of male infertility and XXY. Gareth has now made the decision to become a professional speaker, as he wants to break the taboo of male infertility.

Read more on Gareth’s website.

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