Gail Clarke

Gail Clarke

Board Member

CEO/National Secretary, GBNI since 1 February 2016.

My early career was as CEO of a Community Housing Association is North Belfast followed by 8 years as Regional Director for the National Union of Students in Belfast (during which I spent 6 months as Director of Scottish Office implementing change management).  I was Interim Director with GBNI in 2013/14 before returning at the start of 2016.

I hold an MBA and am a Fellow of ILM (by examination). I also, since 1994, sit as an employer representative at Industrial and Fair Employment Tribunals.

I have three children, Aaron 30 who is married with one son Nathan: Victoria 28 and Michael 27.  

I have a fur baby, 3yr old Newfoundland, Mylah.  I love reading, walking and current affairs.

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